Friday 14 July 2017


On the second edition of this movement by Abi Ishola, 6 beautiful black women were photographed, and they spoke on the struggles and how the have come to love their bodies over the years.

This photo art is not just to show off a beautiful picture, but to cover the style, beauty, culture that transcends the beauty of black women. Some of us are insecure about something that has to do with us, some have actually gotten pass this insecurities, while some of us are still struggling with it.

This edition gives a highlight into their past insecurities, about black female bodies, and how we have been politicized, scrutinized and yet copied to no end.

"When I think about black women bodies, a variety of emotions come to mind: pride, because with our presence, comes a story. When we occupy space, we exude confidence, incomparable beauty and swag aboiut us that commands attention. We're not a monolithic bunch, and i lobe being representative of the power found in our difference. If you haven't realised already, #blackgirlmagic exist."

Photography by @shotbybank
Makeup by Yetty Bames
Creative direction by Abi Ishola @aishola

from StyleHub Daily


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