Monday 24 July 2017


No matter the diversity expressed in our style preferences as individuals, there are particular accessories that just can't be missing from our wardrobes. They're known as wardrobe essentials. 

We're exploring the world of accessories, and we're gonna look at the men's wardrobe today, and know those things that need to be constantly present. Here they are:


The watch serves multiple functions: Gives him a purposeful look., helps him keep track of time, completes the man's outfit. It's a vital part of a man's lifestyle. 

2. Belt

If you don't have these, chances are people will keep away from you most of the time when you walk down the street.

3. Tie

What makes you look smarter than a tie? I'll tell you - nothing.

4. Cufflinks

Cuff links give one that look of a serious person. People know you mean business when you wear them.

5. Sunglasses:

These classics serve both practical and fashionable functions: They shield the eyes from the sun's glare and make him more sexy.

6. Socks: 

Show me a man that never wears socks and I'll show you that it's not a man.

7. Briefcase

Only one comment about this: IT'S WAY SMARTER THAN A BACKPACK. College days are over, kids.

from StyleHub Daily


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