Wednesday 2 August 2017


Folding up shirtsleeves is something that men have been doing for ages; it's a culture, and we wanna take a good look at this small, yet essential aspect of men's dressing.

Can we say there's a "right" and "wrong" way to fold up shirt-sleeves? Not really! But there are proper ways to go about it. There are three basic reasons for folding up shirtsleeves as men.

Be inspired has we go through each one of them:

▶️ Practical Reasons

When we need to do things that involve your hands up to your elbows like washing, eating swallows foods, changing the oil of the car or generator, then it's best to get your sleeves out of the way. 

▶️ The Heat

When it gets hot and stuffy at work or anywhere else, rolling the sleeves bring relief from some of the heat, since air can now flow freely over the arms. But doing this at work depends on how 'corporate' the atmosphere is.

It's advisable to keep them down and buttoned for when you want to go for meetings, see a client, or when the "Oga at the top" is coming around: it retains your professional look. And last but just as essential:

▶️ For The Relaxed Look

This is the stylish aspect. For casual occasions, rolling up the sleeves serves to 'dress down' an otherwise too formal shirt. This comes in very handy when leaving work for a more casual/relaxed function. It's also the preferred style in clubs especially and it brings a touch of cool to your look.

For whatever reasons, there are proper ways to fold up shirtsleeves to enable you to undo them easily and avoid too many wrinkles. The info-graphics below show some of these methods. We hope it proves to be helpful for you.

The easiest method 

Folding up shirtsleeves is a very practical thing, so if you're gonna do it, we implore you to do it for one of the above reasons or not at all, to avoid looking sloppy and thoughtless.

On our next post we'll talk about round neck sleeves. Stay inspired and don't forget to share post.

You can also follow us on our Instagram page for more dapper styles here at▶️ Men_StyleHub

from StyleHub Daily


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