Relationship Goals (Part 2): Bless Your Spouse
This world can be a tough place. It's filled with trials, pain and heartache. Quite often, by day's end your spouse's heart is bruised, battered and bloodied.
He or she may feel discouraged, frustrated or hurt. And yet, in the midst of life's tribulations, your spouse has been given a special gift: YOU
Also Read: Relationship Goals (Part 1): Believe in Your Spouse➡️ HERE
Every day you have the opportunity to give your spouse what we call "the blessing." The blessing is what we all long for – acceptance and affirmation.
In fact, to "affirm" something is to confirm it's truth and to strengthen it.
When you bless your spouse, you are speaking truth into his or her life or you are calling out something you see that's positive.
You have the ability, opportunity and privilege to speak a blessing to your spouse every day. At the end of a difficult day, a discouraged spouse may need to hear "I hope your boss knows how fortunate he is to have you."
After a stressful day with the kids, the words "You're an amazing mom" can re-energize an exhausted heart. A blessing spoken to the heart communicates honor, value and importance.
Your spouse has some fantastic character qualities and gifts. Most of the time, however, he or she may be oblivious to these things.
The Enemy works tirelessly to diminish your spouse's gifts and to minimize his or her talents and abilities, but you have an incredible opportunity to recognize and affirm these things.
Is your spouse a gifted leader? Tell her. Does your spouse show amazing compassion? Tell him. Does your spouse demonstrate extraordinary faith, giving, exhorting, discerning or wisdom? Let him or her know!
Get busy affirming your mate's gifts, talents and abilities. Speak life into your spouse's heart and communicate love by giving him or her the blessing.
This will go a long way to add spice in your relationship.
Photo Muse: Lucy (Lead Content Contributor) and David (Hubby)
from StyleHub Daily
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